Lady shares sad experience how her mother abandoned her with her ex-boyfriend - Simply Entertainment Reports and Trending Stories


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Lady shares sad experience how her mother abandoned her with her ex-boyfriend

A lady has recounted a sad tale of how her mother left her with her ex-boyfriend and disappeared after promising to come back.

In a lengthy post, the lady revealed that her single mum had met her ex-boyfriend (whom she now refers to as ‘father’) when she was just 10 years old.

They had lived happily with the man who accepted and treated her like his own daughter; although, after a year, the mum left and all she had said to her was that she’d come back for her but hasn’t done so till this very day.

She wrote:

“Hello #Admin Make me #Anonymous please

For the past eight years, I’ve been living with my mother’s ex boyfriend, see my mother wasn’t really lucky when it came to love and relationships, according to her, my biological father abandoned her when she was pregnant with me and she didn’t really have anyone to help her, her family cut ties with her when she got pregnant and she was helpless. I remember meeting at least three of her boyfriends and watched them leave her alone and heartbroken. When I was 10, she met the man i now call my father, their relationship was okay, all so it seemed. This man accepted me as his daughter from day one and for the first time I felt like I had a father.. the next few months were complete bliss, he didn’t have much but he provided for me and my mom, but I guess it wasn’t enough for my mother.

After a year of us living together like a normal family, my mother left, all she said to me was “I’ll come back to get you” she hasn’t come up to this day. The first few weeks she was away, was really hard especially for my new dad, he loved her and he did everything he could to make her happy, he even accepted me but it wasn’t enough for my mother. I waited for her to come back but she never did, no calls or messages, it was hard, | cried every night, why would she do that to me? | got my second heart break, my first one, being my father denying me before | was even born. My new father helped me get through it all, he tried his best to play the role of mother and father to a child that wasn’t his.

Weeks turned into months and months to years, she still didn’t show. My new dad met someone amazing, he told her I was his daughter and she accepted me with both arms. They have been so good to me, there’s never a day that they make me feel like I’m not their daughter, I have two younger siblings now and I’m truly grateful to be apart of this family. I thank God everyday for their lives. As for my biology mother, I still have no clue where she is, I hold no grudges, I hope she’s happy where she is.”

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